Be all, end all.
Nothing short of monumental. With propositions on thought provoking conversations surrounding enigmatic icons steeped in mythos, mystery, and skepticism, employing and deploying the fear of God at will to effectively communicate these profound ideas. Playing the role of devil's advocate. The Superterrestrial Collection— an alluring collection of hoodies, shorts and t-shirts—intended to ignite discussions on the essence and origins of Christology. This gear does a great job tracing the lineage and Christology of the Messiah, unraveling the enigmatic history of the Black Madonna. This exploration inevitably sparks debates about the Etruscans, and the numerous ancient civilizations now submerged beneath the ocean depths with very little known about their rapid ascension and subsequent collapse. History is written by the victors is the word around these parts of town. Sadly, crucial ancient inscriptions documenting the origins and lives of the melanated were intentionally destroyed by insecure institutions who sought to cement their version of events and assert their dominance. Consequently, a significant portion of the global population finds themselves transformed by the ripple effects of Queen Victoria's proclamation during the height of the colonial empire at St Paul’s Cathedral calling the people of melanin and their gear Barbaric. Wars instigated and waged by nations purportedly upholding Christian values while trampling upon human rights on a global scale. These actions stemmed from insatiable egos, intent on expanding their dominion to distant colonies. Meanwhile, governments engage in the never-ending blame game, oblivious to the fact that the answer lies right before their eyes—stripped away from these people is the most fundamental aspect of their existence: their origins. All sacrificed in the pursuit of profit and the accumulation of precious metals destined to remain buried in the earth.
Quintessential Arts is a multidisciplinary omnipresent artistic organisation - the name is derived from the fifth essence interpreted as æther in addition to the four elements thought to compose the heavenly bodies in Ancient Greek philosophy. The organisation is driven by reinvention, reinterpretation and recreation of older works encoded by its garments and decoded through the sonic. Just as science and religion go hand in hand, the garments go hand in hand with the sonic as well as other mediums such as literary pieces used to set the stage for every season respectively thus setting it apart from what the masses have become accustomed to. Quintessential Arts is an organisation whose purpose is to challenge the natural order of things, be the voice of reason and critique, make those that don’t identify with the status quo identify themselves with it.
Quintessential Arts is a multidisciplinary omnipresent artistic organisation founded August 8th, 2020 in Johannesburg South, South Africa.