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NTEBOGENG MDA • Mar 20, 2023



Know that there's traditionalists that hold back the good thoughts

And there's people in offices that stop the creative people

And are intimidated by actual good ideas

And I believe like a utopia is actually possible

But we are led by the least noble

The least dignified

The least tasteful the dumbest and the most political

Uh so in no way am I a politician

I'm usually and at my best politically incorrect

Darkness is the one true actuality

The basis and the root of light

Without which the latter could never manifest itself

Nor even exist

Light is matter and darkness pure spirit

Give heed my son Horus

For you shall hear the secret doctrine

Of which our forefather kamephis was the first teacher

It so befell that Hermes heard this teaching from Kamephis

The eldest of our race

I heard it from Hermes the writer of records

At the time when he initiated me into the Rite of Black Perfection

And you shall hear it now from me

Our Queenship thou art full of grace goodness and mercy

I consecrate to thee all my thoughts words and actions

My soul and body I beseech thy blessings

And especially prayers for my salvation

Today I consecrate myself to Thee Good Mother

Totally with body and soul amid joy and sufferings

To obtain for myself and others

Thy blessings on this earth and eternal life in heaven

Etruscans embarked upon a series of conquests

Initially probably not coordinated

But undertaken by individual cities

The pressing motive for expansion was that

By the middle of this century

The Greeks not only had obtained a grip on Corsica

And expanded their hold on Sicily and southern Italy

But also had settled on the Ligurian coast

For all her prevalence and influence

Black Madonna remains a surprisingly misunderstood figure

In mainstream Christianity

Too often, racism and ignorance obscure her true origins

She is the mother of universes

Identified with the primordial darkness and chaos of the universe

And with the moist and fertile black earth

Our Queenship speaks to an ancient cultural memory

Of the African origins of humanity

Representing the original mother of Earth's children

Etruscans had established a thriving commercial and agricultural civilization

Characteristics of their artistic achievements are the wall frescoes

And realistic terra-cotta portraits found in their tombs

Religion at that time employed elaborately organized cults and rituals

Including the extensive practice of divination


This most beautiful system of sun, planets and comets

Could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of

An intelligent and powerful being

Blind metaphysical necessity

Which is certainly the same always and everywhere

Could produce no variety of things

All that diversity of natural things

Which we find suited to different times and places

Could arise from nothing but the ideas

And will of a being necessarily existing

Here we find a universal method of checks and balances

Water promotes the existence of wood

Which promotes fire, which burns things to the earth

In the earth we find metals

Which through condensation promote the formation of water

However, water douses or controls fire

Which melts or controls metal

Which cuts or controls wood, which plows or controls earth

Which soaks up or controls water

Harmony requires checks and balances

If any one element becomes too strong or too weak

Imbalance occurs, illness sets in

And harmony is lost

A fifth element must be added to these four

To explain the behaviour of the heavenly bodies

Whereas the terrestrial elements of earth, water, air, and fire

Were all mutable and corruptible

Coming into being and passing away

No change could be perceived in the celestial realm

Moreover while the natural motion of the four terrestrial elements

Was towards or away from the centre of the cosmos in a straight line

The natural motion of the heavenly bodies was uniform circular motion

Around that centre

Therefore inferred

That the cosmos above the terrestrial sphere

That is, from the moon upwards

Was not made out of any of the mutable terrestrial elements

But must be composed of a different

Unchangeable substance, the fifth element

or quintessence, which is Aether

Aether, an element that fills the universe beyond the terrestrial sphere

That's quintessential arts


Before the small village of Rome became "Rome" with a capital R

A brilliant civilization once controlled almost the entire peninsula

We now call Italy this was the Etruscan civilization

A vanished culture whose achievements set the stage

Not only for the development of ancient Roman art and culture

But for the Italian Renaissance as well

Optimism is discredited not so much

And certainly not only because its tenets are shown to be implausible

In the light of the evidence

But essentially because it is a system

As such it is as inhuman and as dangerous as all the other systems

Which are ruthlessly satirized in history

The military system

The church system

The educational system

The colonial system

The economic models

Political establishments

And indeed the system of logic itself

Mr. Parker say it again? Mr Parker

The man sitting over there is compiling many accusations

You look me in the eye and on your life

You answer me truthfully have you any other name?

Solomon Northup is my name

Sheriff what's all this?

Its official business

The picture is not unrelievedly bleak there may be some grounds for optimism

First human beings may be admirable for their will to survive

And their refusal to commit philosophical suicide

Etruscan influence on ancient Roman culture was profound

And it was from the Etruscans

That the Romans inherited many of their own cultural and artistic traditions

From the spectacle of gladiatorial combat

To hydraulic engineering temple design and religious ritual

Among many other things

My nigga my business your business waits

Tell me of your family I have a wife two children

What the hell?

What are your children's names? Margaret and Alonzo

What's your wife's name before her marriage? Anne Hampton I am who I say

Where you going? Didn't authorize you to invade my property

You come back here you come back here boy

Mundanes no longer listen to fairytales

The cause is still the same an interfering church

That thinks it has a monopoly on virtue and truth

A breach in superterrestrial law

People heard these marvelous tales

They believed thrived and built dynasties on them

You will unhand him that is my nigga

He is Mr Solomon Northup

You come here in front of me with claims

Got no doubts the man is Solomon Northup

The hell he is he is my nigga, and I'll fight you for him

As is your right as it will be my pleasure to bankrupt you in the courts

Your decision? Unhand him

I'm gonna get to the bottom of this I paid good money for this nigga

Courthouse got papers to prove it

And we got papers to prove that he's real

I own you; you belong to me do you hear me?

Unhand him get you back by sundown



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